“Heroic and vocally impressive”
“Stark was satirically heroic and vocally impressive, his boyish countenance and clear lyrical tenor made him a perfect Frederic.”
www.artsknoxville.com, Alan Sherrod, 2024
“Promising Italian Singer”
“American newcomer tenor Derrek Stark proved a most promising Italian Singer”
www.seenandheard-international.com, 2019
“A rare pearl…technical mastery”
“En Derrek Stark, David Stern aurait-il trouvé la perle rare? le ténor américain de 26 [sic] ans, qui fait ses débuts en Europe, a déjà la stature, voire la maturité du redoutable rôle-titre, auquel sa maîtrise technique, la sérénité du souffle, l’égalité d’un timbre naturellement noble confèrent, sans recours au moindre expédient soi-disant expressif, une remarquable auto- rité.”
“In Derrek Stark, has David Stern found the rare pearl?… the american tenor, 26 [sic] years old, who made his European debut, already has the stature, or even more the maturity needed for this difficult role, for which his technical mastery, the elegant phrasing, the evenness of an easy noble timbre, with no recourse to expedience, shows a remarkable authority.”
Opera Magazine, 2018
“…tenor Derrek Stark as Rodolfo established their singing credentials in Act One as they revealed their dreams. Stark was striking in his “Your Little Fingers Are Frozen” aria.”
www.mysanantonio.com, David Hendricks, 2018
“The real thing”
“Coloratura tenors don’t grow on trees, but Derrek Stark ( [as] Jason) seems to be the real thing.”
www.artsjounal.com, 2018
“Handsome sound”
“Tenor Derrek Stark brought handsome sound, secure top notes and rhythmic verve to the martial “Domine Deus.”
Opera News, 2017
“Big, ardent tenor”
“ Derrek Stark projected a big, ardent tenor as the amorous Governor of Montevideo and was a sinister Grand Inquisitor and the perfect comic foil as the corrupt casino owner Ragotski.”
South Florida Classical Review, 2018
“A very attractive voice”
“Lastly, he sang Richard Strauss’s “Zueignung.” (Dedication) With its gentle beginning to its great crescendo ending, his rendition was perfection; it’s a very attractive voice indeed.”
Palm Beach Arts Paper, 2017
“Polished Singer”
“Stark, as the passionate poet, was by far the most polished singer in the cast. He smoothly navigated the difficult role…”
South Florida Classical Review, 2017